Interested in Becoming a Child Care Provider?
Help make a difference in the lives of children and their families by becoming a child care provider.
If you are interested in becoming a Registered Family Child Care Home, please reach out to our Huntington office.
Link Child Care Resource & Referral can provide assistance and support through the entire process!
We will walk you through the paperwork to begin the process, assist you with the background checks and train you on how to submit payment requests.
We can also provide you with information about agencies who offer FREE business coaching.
All of our SERVICES are FREE!
We serve Boone, Cabell, Lincoln, Logan, Mason, Mingo, Putnam & Wayne counties in WV.
611 7th Avenue, Huntington

For Direct Deposit forms for provider subsidy payments, go to www.wvsao.gov
Then choose Setup or Change
A wet signature is required - forms must be completed, printed, and signed
Then faxed or mailed - No emails are accepted
Click Button then search "Direct Deposit"